Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bullet form

Bullet form
-Whew…Where do I begin;
-I'm 30, hip, hop, hooray!
-The week you were here, changed things;
-It's a fight, but is it worth fighting for;
-My strength was depleted;
-but I got my joy back;
-wrestle not against flesh;
-New wounds have been opened, and it's raw!
-I wore a skirt, and I nope I didn't have to usher;
-It must be the 30 in me;
-Did I mention that I'm no longer over the Usher ministry?
-I'm healed;
-I enjoy your conversations entirely too much;
-U want me to keep you focused, only if you knew my struggle to stay focused;
-I vow, to never...
-I want to do this the correct way;
-Every way will be made!
-I'm unstable with my emotions; does that deem me unstable in all my ways???
-Situations that draw me closer...
-I'm so into you;
-I know the thoughts you have toward me;
-I'm I anxious or ready;
-You don't have a clue, what it is to be me!
-Evil communication, SURELY DOES, corrupt good manners;
-My purpose is to serve you;
-My nephew graduates in May, were did my little Martin Lawrence go?
-I love my family;
-I pray for my family;
-The prayer of the righteous availeth MUCH!
-No more pain;
-One chapter closed, another has opened;

Sorry for the bullet form, but there was not enough time to elaborate on every situation that is going on in my life! I'm yet still holding on. My smile, is it sincere??

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