Friday, January 29, 2010

Talking with my father

has been so refreshing! My ministry has been on the Daniel fast for the last 19 days, I have been on for the last 10 days, LOL! While I was away in DC, I develop a more in depth prayer life, I seeked God like never before for several things that I need in my life. It has just been awesome! I have always been a prayer, but, now I realize that even in that I was a bit selfish, I did it when it was convenient for me. God has gotten my attention to the point that I'm literally crying out to him before day in the mornings, 4:15,4:40 has been the appointed time that God wants to talk to me, whew, letting go of the bed was a task and at times it still is. Now that I'm back in Dayton I have been attending noon day prayer at church, and boy-o-boy, God has met me every singel time! It feels so goooood to just talk to Him, love on Him, surrender to Him, allow Him to massage my inner core, it's just nothing like it. I would like to challenge you to just love on God for at least 15 mins. a day without any interuptions, jut you & God!

Talk back to me and let me know how awesome your God is!

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