Saturday, September 19, 2009

All Alone on a Saturday evening

Really...For real...This is what life consist of?

I guess when you decide to remove certain people from your space this is kinda what to expect! Life can be so funny at times, boy I tell ya. You make one decision to do something different and you don't realize the effect it will have in the days to follow. I'm totally at peace with my choice though, it was inevitable! I knew it would happen and I kept putting it off, making excuses, SETTLING, getting comfortable, dancing around the subject, hoping it would go away, wishing that things would change...but what I failed to do is seek God! Yep, I said it, yes me,I Ms. Tori "I love the Lord" Keys, did not fully seek God on a particular situation and now I'm jammed with all the emotions and after effects.

I believed every word you have every spoken to me...a part of me still believe that most of your words were sincere. You ever heard of the saying...wounded animals, wound other animals, ha! I thought I came to save the day! I knew when you first told me this info that I should have packed my grip and RAN, but noooooooooo I did something I never do, I compromised. Big Mistake, horrible Mistake, the Mistake that would soon become my dimise. I love this, I love this b/c I'm eating my words, I'm learing from this, I'm growing sooooo much from this! I finally understand THIS! Now that it's OVER, I can become PREPARED for what is to come, dang Angie Stone could not have said it better "I'm so Happy being, I'm regretting nothing bout Me"

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